Serving Gillete, NJ & Neighboring Communities

Common Furnace Warning Signs

Older furnaces and boilers have an average lifespan of 12-15 years. How about yours – has it reached that ripe old age? If you’re not sure, you can check your owner’s manual, receipt or, in the absence of either, jot down the serial number from the side of the box and call the manufacturer to ask. However you might go about, it’s information you’ll want to keep handy.

Of course, if you’re the proactive type and you discover your heating system is at or past its effective lifespan, you might want to go ahead and replace it now. The amount of money you save on utility costs can easily pay for the furnace over time.

If you’re more inclined to give it a little more time, you’ll at least want to know how to tell if your furnace needs troubleshooting attention or perhaps even to be replaced.

Here are a few of the most common warning signs.

Steep Increase in Gas and Electricity Bill

Furnaces gradually lose energy efficiency over time, even more so without routine preventive maintenance.

More Frequent Repairs

Furnaces are like cars. As they age, you replace one part and, just around the corner, another repair is ready to add to your misery, not to mention your lack of indoor comfort. If the problem is significant enough, you could easily spend $1500 or more to fix it. Sooner or later, you’ll reach the point where even one more repair is one too many.

Loud noises

The older it gets, the more you can expect to hear strange, loud noises from your furnace or boiler, such as banging, popping, rattling, or squealing.  If they persist, it’s time for a replacement heating system.

Cracked Heat Exchanger

Heat exchangers – which convert ambient air to warm air – are prone to cracks and leaks over time. When that happens, carbon monoxide also can be released into your living spaces. If anyone in your family starts complaining of frequent headaches, a burning feeling in their eyes or nose, nausea, disorientation, or flu-like symptoms, contact C&D right away.

Take our advice and contact C&D Cooling & Heating at the first sign of heating system trouble.  Maybe it’s just a minor issue, or maybe the problem is more serious. Either way, we have the training and experience to resolve it, and to your complete satisfaction.